M-Th: 8:00-5:00 F: 8:00-1:00 705 742-5666 Peterborough Family and Cosmetic Dentistry

Looking for a Dentist in Downtown Peterborough? Find One with an iTero Intraoral Scanner!

Dentistry is a constantly-evolving medical field, and exciting new technologies come along every year.  These technologies make it easier for dentists to help their patients, make processes more comfortable for patients or – ideally – both.  That’s why we’re happy to be one of the few dentists in downtown Peterborough with an iTero Intraoral Scanner.

The iTero scanner is an amazing piece of equipment that improves nearly all of our cosmetic dentistry work, as well as a lot of everyday dentistry as well.  Let’s take a look.

Our Downtown Peterborough Dentist Services with the iTero

Our iTero scanner allows the team of dentists from Dr. Christopher Moore & Associates to work with the same level of computer-assisted precision that you would expect in other fields, such as surgery or even engineering.  It’s a scanning system capable of creating incredibly precise, high-resolution scans of a patient’s tooth, or even an entire mouth.

The process is simple and absolutely painless for our patients.  Here’s how it works:

  • A small scanning ward is waved around inside a patient’s mouth.
  • A 3D image of their teeth is captured by the scanner.
  • The image is displayed on a large screen, providing patients a real-time view of the scan, which is something our patients often get a kick out of.

Our Downtown Dentists Make Scanning Easy

Another great thing about the iTero is that it uses very common formats for the scans created.  This makes it easy for us to take a scan with the iTero, then use that scan to help with almost any other kind of cosmetic dentistry we might be doing.  Even if other computer systems are needed, they can use the scans created by the iTero.

Some of the benefits offered by the iTero Scanner

  • We can offer Invisalign orthodontic appliances, an alternative to braces that require extremely precise scans of the teeth.
  • We can more precisely craft caps, bridges, dentures, and other oral appliances so they fit your mouth perfectly.
  • If you need to go to another dentist for specialist treatment, we can send them your iTero scans for reference.

In short, iTero allows for dentistry that is easier and more precise – and that’s how we like it!

If you’re looking for a dentist in downtown Peterborough, contact Dr. Christopher Moore & Associates to set up an appointment.